2 - Administration → 2.2 - Forms

VisualVault Form Basics for Administrators – Form Template Properties and Security (233-VV-ADMIN)

The Form Template ID Card is an area of VisualVault where metadata for a Form Template is stored. It also provides a space to configure the properties and security of the Form Template.

This course will provide a comprehensive overview of all features that can be viewed and modified on a Form Template ID Card. Additionally, we will take a deep dive into how security permissions are used in combination with dashboards, workflows, and form template configurations to control user access to form records.

Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Navigate to the Form Template ID Card

  • Identify the properties that are configurable on a Form Template

  • Modify group security on a Form Template

  • Identify the permissions necessary to design a Form Template

  • Identify the permissions necessary to fill in and edit a Form Record

  • Identify best practices for giving users access to forms

  1. Introduction

  2. Form Template ID Card

  3. Form Template Security

  4. Giving Users Access to Fill in Forms

  5. Giving Users Access to Edit Forms

  6. Review
  • Form Template Properties and Security
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed